Power your platform with our technology

Transit gathers raw data for trains, buses, bikes (and more) across 300 cities in 16 countries. Our algorithms transform millions of data points into accurate real-time departure times and intuitive trip plans.

Now you have access to the same high-grade multimodal mobility fuel that powers Transit. Installing real-time signage? Updating your website to include transit trip planning? It's easy with our APIs. Best of all: it's free with a capped number of calls.

Read our documentation and request access

Looking for feedback from Transit users to gather insights, learn from survey results, and track ridership trends for your transit agency?

Check out our data playground

Real-time and trip planning APIs

Our APIs provide mobility information around any given location, including:

  • Real-time transit departures
  • Wheelchair accessibility information
  • Service alerts
  • Bike, scooter and carshare availability
  • Microtransit, ridehail and taxi ETAs

Our APIs also provide multimodal trip results to get from A to B, such as:

  • Public transit and shared mobility (scooters, bikeshare, ridehail, etc.)
  • Combined agencies, modes and operators in a single trip for first/last-mile connections
  • Wheelchair-accessible trips

The best part

Your customers can plan their trip with your Transit-powered platform, then seamlessly pull up their itinerary on Transit when they’re ready to go, using live navigation and step-by-step notifications to guide them along the way.

Ready to give it a spin?

Simply fill out our request form! If your request is approved, your access key will provide you with up to five API calls per minute and 1,500 API calls per month.

Drop us a line

Want more calls? Have a specific use case?

Contact us

Our API customers include

Transit's URL scheme

If you're a developer, you can use our URL scheme to make your app launch Transit and show nearby routes or get directions for a particular location.

Get Directions
descriptionget transit directions between 2 locations
parametersfrom: latitude-longitude pair or location string of origin
to: latitude-longitude pair or location string of destination
notesLeaving out a parameter will use the user's current location.
User's current location is taken into account when geocoding address strings.
Query strings are only supported in Transit 2.0+
Show Nearby Lines
descriptionshow nearby transit lines for a location
parametersq: latitude-longitude pair or location string to fetch nearby routes for

Open transit data guidelines

Quality GTFS feeds not only make our job easier but also will make your riders happier. You can ensure the quality of your GTFS data by following our guide as well as the GTFS Best Practices.